Englisch für innovatives Ingenieurwesen C2

  • Typ: Kurs (Ku)
  • Semester: SS 2024
  • Dozent: Jerald Guptill
  • SWS: 2-3
  • LVNr.: 2993
  • Hinweis: Präsenz

This course is designed to improve each student’s confidence and technical competence in using and understanding both engineering terms, their context, and the methodology of engineering decision making skills. Emphasis is placed on not only improving skill levels in reading and listening comprehension, but also honing verbal skills in both technical and casual contexts.

Each participant will need to do extensive research and explain their findings in an English only setting. Working in pairs, students will prepare and conduct several technical briefings (i.e. explain technical concepts), most of which can be rehearsed and then presented to the group. As they relate to the chosen topics, there is also ample opportunity to join in spontaneous whole-class discussions. In this way, students practice working in small international and interdisciplinary teams and practice defending their conclusions or filling in details as requested by class members.

No final exam – the course mark is based on completing a range of tasks:

  • a series of prepared briefings, presentations and in class discussions = 45%
  • a progression of written documentation about the individually selected projects = 35%
  • final slide presentation = 20%

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