News 2013
Karlsruhe DialoguesThe ‘In-Between Society’: Tradition and Modernism in Conflict

From 22nd until 24th of February 2013 the 17th Karlsruhe Dialogues took place.




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Teaser CF WS13 14Challenge Demographic Change

In the winter term 2013/14 the course of lectures Colloquium Fundamentale dealt with the changing population structure in Germany as well as in the rest of the world.

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Humanities vs. Natural ScienceHumanities vs. Natural Science

As submission to the Science in Dialogue contest “Fast Forward Science 2013”, ZAK presents an animated extract from a lecture held by Richard David Precht at the 60th Jubilee of the Studium Generale.

Watch the movie
Bundespräsident Joachim GauckThe Mediterranean in Bellevue – with and for Anna Lindh

Being one of twenty-four selected organizations, the German Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation was present at the Citizens´ Festival of the Federal President Joachim Gauck in Berlin on August 30th and 31st 2013.

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