Karlsruhe Science Film Days
The main goal of the Karlsruhe Science Film Days (KSFD) is to firmly root scientific documentary film, essay and fiction in the public consciousness and to build a bridge between research, artistic creation and society.
The first Karlsruhe Science Film Days (KSFD) took place in 2015. Together with the Stadtmarketing Karlsruhe GmbH and Spektrum der Wissenschaft, science films in various formats were shown on three evenings. The films were discussed with experts from academia and the public. The programme included a science film premiere in the EFFEKTE Pavilion in the castle garden as well as the BIO•FICTION@Karlsruhe film evening at the Karlsruhe State Museum of Natural History with contributions from the “BIO•FICTION Science Art & Film Festival”. On the third evening, the gala of internet science films took place in cooperation with the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. Among others, the prize for online videos “Filme Deine Zukunftsstadt” (film your future city) was awarded at the ZKM.
The Karlsruhe Science Film Days celebrated their second edition in July 2017 with a top-class international film selection. 65 films from 16 countries were submitted. A jury consisting of 14 representatives from the arts, sciences, and the media evaluated the submissions according to the categories scientificness, originality, entertainment value, storytelling, and aesthetic quality.
The Spanish short film “Einstein Rosen”, directed by Olga Osorio, was bestowed with the KIT Science Film Award and the laudatory mention for Special Artistic Achievement. “Children of the Sun – Wild Bees”, directed by Jan Haft, was elected Audience Darling. “Cyborgs: Human Machines”, directed by Luisa Wawrzinek, won the laudatory mention for Social Impact, and “Natura Urbana – the Brachen of Berlin”, directed by Matthew Gandy, was awarded the laudatory mention for Communication Quality.
More Information on the KSFD: karlsruhe-science-film-days.de