Supplementary Studies on Science, Technology and Society

Make a note now!
Starts in winter semester 2024/25*

Why should I study the Science, Technology and Society supplementary course in addition to my specialist studies?

I would like

  • consider my specialist content in a social context;
  • know the social benefits and risks of technologies;
  • understand how innovation occurs;
  • be able to understand where anti-scientific sentiment comes from;
  • know how scientific policy advice works;
  • contribute to society's discussions and decisions being made in a more objective and fact-based manner;
  • know what knowledge actually is.

Start: winter semester 2024/25*


Study period: as long as you are enrolled at KIT


Scope: 16 LP (or more for those thirsty for knowledge)


Further information: constantly updated on this website, at ZAK, at all information stands.


The supplementary study program in Science, Technology and Society is a voluntary additional offer that is aimed at all students and doctoral candidates at KIT.

Science and technology can help diagnose and address many societal problems and global challenges. So that scientific results can flow into society, we would like to enable graduates as decision-makers of tomorrow to act successfully and thoughtfully at the social interfaces between science, business and politics.

The supplementary course provides basic knowledge about the connections between science, technology and society. We look at socially relevant scientific topics from the perspective of psychology, philosophy, economics, social and cultural studies.

A notice:
Evidence of achievements already acquired for the expiring supplementary study program in Sustainable Development can be credited towards the supplementary study program in Science, Technology and Society.

* Start subject to decision by the KIT Senate.