19th Karlsruhe Dialogues – Speakers
Megacities: The Major Challenges with Regard to Risks and Opportunities
Dr. Kerstin Krellenberg
Dr. Kerstin Krellenberg has been a Research Assistant at the Helmholtz Centre for Environ-mental Research in Leipzig since 2007. After studying environmental science, she received her doctorate (DSc) in physical geography from the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. She began investigating the challenges of megacities in her dissertation, and conducted intensive re-search on the urban ecology of Buenos Aires. Since then, Latin American megacities have be-come a key part of her integrative inter- and transdisciplinary research. She is also currently examining new challenges in the European-Asian megacity of Istanbul. At the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Krellenberg coordinated large collabora-tive projects over many years, in particular in cooperation with Santiago de Chile. These pro-jects included the research initiative ‘Risk Habitat Megacity’ and the ‘ClimateAdaptationSanti-ago’ (CAS) project. Krellenberg’s research interests include the study of urban risks and how they affect the population, as well as developing solution strategies at the intersection of re-search and policy/praxis. Her research is thus interdisciplinary in its orientation and involves participatory processes. She regularly organises workshops and round tables to bring together a broad spectrum of players from the realms of politics, administration, civil society, business, and science. Krellenberg’s latest publications include: “Collaborative Governance and the Challenges of Participatory Climate Change Adaption Planning in Santiago de Chile”, in: Climate and Devel-opment, No. 2, Vol. 7, 2015, pp. 175-184 (with Jonathan Richard Barton and Jordan Michael Harris); “Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research for Planning Climate Change Adaption Re-sponses: The Example of Santiago de Chile”, in: Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, No. 4, Vol. 39, 2014, pp. 360-375 (with Katrin Barth); and “Supporting Local Adaptation: The Contri-bution of Socio-Environmental Fragmentation to Urban Vulnerability”, in: Applied Geography, No. 55, 2014, pp. 61-70 (with Felipe Link, Juliane Welz et al.). She has co-edited two books on the particular topic of megacities: Risk Habitat Megacity (2012), and Climate Adaptation San-tiago (2014).