2015 - Global DemocraCITIES: Between Triumph and Decline

Programme (PDF)


Friday, 27 February 2015

Opening Event of the 19th Karlsruhe Dialogues
SpardaEvent-Center, Baumeisterstraße 21


7.30 pm

Welcome Addresses

Martin Hettich
Chairman of the Board of Sparda-Bank Baden-Württemberg eG

Dr. Frank Mentrup
Lord Mayor of the City of Karlsruhe

Prof. Dr. Alexander Wanner
Vice President of KIT for Higher Education and Academic Affairs


Prof. Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha
Director of the ZAK | Centre for Cultural and General Studies, KIT


Opening Keynote Lecture

If Mayors Ruled the World
Prof. Dr. Benjamin R. Barber (USA)

Prof. Dr. Benjamin R. Barber is Senior Research Scholar at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, Founder and President of the Interdependence Movement, and Walt Whitman Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University. His latest book ‘If Mayors Ruled the World: Dysfunctional Nations, Rising Cities’ (2013) is the foundation for the Global Parliament of Mayors project.


Musical Programme

Percussion duo BeatBop (Jonas Völker and Timo Gerstner)
The percussion duo BeatBop combines classical and world music, pop and salsa: their creative arrangements and compositions are based on a wide variety of drum cultures, musical styles and influences. The result is a colourful mix of exciting rhythms and fascinating instruments, combined with the duo’s wit and their joy of making music together.

No entrance fee.




Saturday, 28 February 2015

Symposium of the 19th Karlsruhe Dialogues
Saal Baden at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Karlsruhe, Lammstraße 13–17

Modified schedule due to a short-term postponement of Prof. Sassen from Friday to Saturday.

9.30 p.m. Welcome adresses

Wolfgang Grenke
President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Karlsruhe

Prof. Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha
Director of the ZAK | Centre for Cultural and General Studies, KIT

  Opening Keynote Addresses

Global Civil Society: A New Kind of Citizenship in the Global Age
Prof. Dr. Martin Albrow (UK)
Professor Emeritus of Sociological Theory, University of Wales, Senior Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture”, Bonn

Civil Society and Urban Change – Lessons from London
Peter Murray (UK)
Chairman of New London Architecture, writer and curator

  Discussion with Prof. Dr. Martin Albrow, Peter Murray and Prof. Dr. Benjamin R. Barber

Istanbul 2010, a City of Culture…
Esra Nilgün Mirze (Turkey)
Former International Relations Director for Istanbul 2010 - European Capital of Culture, Founder and Chairperson 41° 29° Istanbul Association for Art and Design

Heritage at Risk: Construction Boom in London
Dr. Nigel Barker (UK)
Planning and Conservation Director at English Heritage in London

12.30 p.m. Lunch Break
1.30 p.m. Keynote Adresses (continued)

Democracy, Technology and City
Evgeny Morozov (Belarus/USA)
Writer and Fellow at the American Academy in Berlin

Big Data + Small Data = Smarter Cities & Citizens
Priya Prakash (UK/India)
Designer and Founder of D4SC (Design for Social Change) – Changify

The City: Where the Powerless Make Histories
Prof. Dr. Saskia Sassen (USA/Netherlands)

Prof. Dr. Saskia Sassen is the Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and chairs the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University. In her renowned book ‘The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo’ (1991) she coined the term ‘global city’.

Megacities: The Major Challenges with Regard to Risks and Opportunities
Dr. Kerstin Krellenberg (Germany)
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig

Egypt 2011-2015: Failure of Democratic Change? – Voices from Cairo
Prof. Dr. Amr Hamzawy (Egypt/Germany)
Political scientist and human rights activist, American University in Cairo and Cairo University

What is Pegida – in Dresden and Elsewhere?
Prof. Dr. Werner J. Patzelt (Germany)
Chair of Political Systems and System Comparison, TU Dresden

No entrance fee. Registration not required.



Movie theatre Schauburg Karlsruhe, Marienstraße 16

ARTE Film Night

Presentation of documentaries and feature films in cooperation with ARTE and the movie theatre Schauburg Karlsruhe

The city of tomorrow: a completely digitalised, super-connected and ecologically perfect metropolis? Or an explosive megacity with unconstrained population growth, increasingly expensive housing and growing slums? The ARTE film night is looking for answers to the question of what the urban living environment is going to look like.
7.30 p.m. Mit offenen Karten: Städte der Zukunft
(Cards on the Table: Cities of Tomorrow)

Documentary by Jean-Christophe Victor
ARTE France 2013
Half of the world’s population today lives in cities. By 2020 this number might already have risen to 60 percent. Where and how do the megacities of tomorrow emerge? “Mit offenen Karten: Städte der Zukunft” (Cards on the Table: Cities of Tomorrow)
  Von Null auf Zukunft
(New Cities)

Documentary by Frédéric Castaignède
ARTE France 2014
Ultra-modern megacities are shooting up all over South Korea, Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi. They are prototypes of urban living environments: modern, networked, ecologic – and totally surveilled? “Von Null auf Zukunft” (New Cities)
8.50 p.m. Betongold
(Concrete Gold)

Documentary by Katrin Rothe
ARTE/rbb 2013
Affordable housing is becoming scarce. Investors focus on real estate rather than on stocks. As a consequence, tenants are often faced with termination of their leases and eviction. The story of a Berlin rental building caught up in the throes of the real-estate hype: “Betongold” (Concrete Gold).
9.50 p.m. Kein stilles Örtchen in Kibera
(No ‘Smallest Room’ in Kibera)

Documentary by Jean Boué
In Kibera, the biggest slum of Nairobi, the sanitary conditions are catastrophic. There are too few public restrooms for the number of people in the slum. Kibera is in danger of drowning in dirt: “Kein stilles Örtchen in Kibera” (No ‘Smallest Room‘ in Kibera).
10.35 p.m. Paris – Der Traum vom Grün
(Paris - Dream of Green)

Documentary by Isabelle Cottenceau
ARTE France 2013
Berlin has 25 square metres green space per resident, London has 45, Paris only 5. Insights into a city’s plans to become greener: “Paris – Der Traum vom Grün” (Paris – Dream of Green).
11.30 p.m. Midnight Snack
00.00 a.m. Mit offenen Karten: Shanghai – Hauptstadt des 21. Jahrhunderts?
(Cards on the Table: Shanghai – Capital of the 21st Century?)

Documentary by Jean-Christophe Victor
ARTE France 2011
As a ‘global city’, Shanghai has to master challenges such as demographic change, energy supply and environmental protection: “Mit offenen Karten: Shanghai – Hauptstadt des 21. Jahrhunderts?” (Cards on the Table: Shanghai – Capital of the 21st Century?)
  Shanghai, wir kommen!
(Shanghai, Here We Come!)

Feature film by Fred Garson
ARTE France 2012
Architect Rémy is moving to the booming city Shanghai with his wife and son – a family’s urban rollercoaster ride: “Shanghai, wir kommen!” (Shanghai, Here We Come!)

Films shown in German
No entrance fee. Registration not required.




Sunday, 1 March 2015

Morning Panel Discussion
SpardaEvent-Center, Baumeisterstraße 21


11.00 a.m. If Mayors Ruled the World

Moderation: Markus Brock
Moderator, SWR and 3sat

Dr. Frank Mentrup (Germany)
Due to short-term schedule difficulties Wolfram Jäger, First Mayor of the city of Karlsruhe represented Dr. Mentrup.

Dr. h.c. Petra Roth (Germany)
Former Lord Mayor of Frankfurt am Main, Chairwoman of Stiftung Schloss Ettersburg

Catherine Trautmann (France)
Former MEP and former Mayor of Strasbourg

Prof. Dr. Martin Albrow (UK)
Professor Emeritus of Sociological Theory, University of Wales, Senior Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture”, Bonn

No entrance fee. Registration not required.



Reading with following discussion
STUDIO (Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe), Baumeisterstraße 11

3 p.m.Source: Julian Baumann

Max Scharnigg
Feldversuch: Unser Stück Land vor den Toren der Stadt

Max Scharnigg and his girlfriend are tilling a piece of land on the outskirts of Munich together. These two city dwellers with countryside access started their adventure in 2006, at a time when no one had even heard of urban gardening and seed balls. Scharnigg’s book is an open, honest and often times self-mocking account of their first steps as hobby farmers, of farming successes and crop failures. It is a good read for all those who toy with the idea of moving to the countryside, but who – truth be told – won’t be leaving the city in the end.

Registration necessary.

The reading is in German.


STUDIO (Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe), Baumeisterstraße 11

7.00 p.m

Ich bereue nichts (I don’t regret anything)
An NSA project by Jan-Christoph Gockel, Thomas Halle and Konstantin Küspert
Theatre play and discussion

Digital and social media – the Internet, Facebook, Twitter – play a crucial role in the development of global democracies. Computers and smartphones give us access to a parallel world where we can shape virtual communities and find a digital home. With the first revelations made by Edward Snowden in June 2013, however, most of us have become estranged from this digital home. What began as a war on terror has led to ‘transparent’ citizens and cities. The global media are abuzz with the scandal, politicians are outraged, citizens feel unsettled. Yet, how come this infringement of our basic rights is not met with a great public outcry? The answer is: we do not have a clear image of the situation – there are no burning towers, no ‘Je suis Charlie’ signs. The theatre project aims to shape such an image, which might finally trigger a revolution.

Admission: 14 € / discounted admission 7,50 €
Tickets at the box office (Phone: 0721-933 333) or via www.staatstheater.karlsruhe.de


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